The sudden reckless action!
Have you ever asked yourself whether suicide was a decision or a compulsion!?
It may seem like a difficult question, but in reality, there are many reasons that might push a person to commit suicide. Suicide is defined as a tragic death caused by self-directed injurious behavior with the intent to die as a result of the behavior. Sometimes, it is a way for people to escape pain or suffering. However, there are several causes that could be a trigger for a person to suicide.
When we talk about a phenomenon that may seem general like suicide, we should talk about its main types. According to Emile Durkheim, the main four types of suicide are: Egoistic, Altruistic, Anomic and Fatalistic. "Egoistic suicide" is seen as stemming from the absence of social integration. It is committed by individuals who are social outcasts or see themselves as being alone or an outsider. Those people are unable to find their own place in society, have problems adjusting to groups, and receive little or no social care. Suicide is seen as a solution for them to free themselves from loneliness or excessive individuation. On the other hand, "Altruistic Suicide". occurs with people who are well integrated into the group and are willing to sacrifice their own life in order to fulfill some obligation for the group. Those kill themselves for the collective benefit of the group or the cause the group believes in. It's like soldiers who are willing to lay down their own lives for their countries. Anomic Suicide-the third type of suicide- is caused by the lack of social regulation, and it occurs during high levels of stress and frustration. This condition stems from sudden and unexpected changes in situations. In Fatalistic Suicide conditions, the individuals are kept under tight regulation. Slavery and persecution are examples of this type where individuals may feel that they are destined by fate to be in such condition so choose ending their lives as the only mean of escaping such condition.
The phenomenon of a person killing himself is the fourth leading cause of death among 15 - 29-year-olds. It is a serious phenomenon that takes the lives of many. When we think about the reasons that may push the one to commit this heinous step, we can divide them into 3 main categories:
1- social factors
2- Mental health issues
3- Availability to firearms
Poverty can be a strong reason for the person to kill themselves as a way to get rid of their poor economic situations or debts that they cannot pay. Social isolation and stigma are other social factors, too. The mental health issues and cultural influences like depression or anxiety make the person make the wrong decision in the first difficult situation they face. The last reasonable cause is the availability to firearms that could be an available easy solution for the hard situation.
There are some indicators that appear on a person that represent a warning bell, such as: Talking about things like feeling unbearable pain, death or a recent fascination with death, feeling hopeless, worthless, or trapped, feeling guilt, shame, or anger, and feeling like they are a burden to others. Changes in behavior or mood are always signs as: recent suicide attempt, increased alcohol or drug use, losing interest in personal appearance or hygiene, withdrawing from family, friends, or community, saying goodbye to friends and family, giving away prized possessions, And a recent episode of depression, emotional distress, and/or anxiety. The last significant signs are changes in eating and/or sleeping patterns, becoming violent or being a victim of violence, expressing rage, And recklessness.
As we saw, Suicide is a serious negative phenomenon. It has become one of the most common and noticeable phenomena in recent years. But like all big problems in society, we must play a positive role in limiting their spread at least or finding a solution if we can. For example, we can increase and spread social awareness about this phenomenon and its dangers. Finally, if you or someone you know is in crisis, call the number of National Council for mental health or any other organization that can provide specialized support. And always remember, there is nothing ever deserves that you end your life for. "You are not alone!"
Stay tuned...!!
References: Areej Islam
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